
From Airports of W900
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Please follow these guidelines for creating your airport!

Airport Information Box

Required (but some subcategories are optional)
Add an airport information box to display a quick summary of your model airport. Put this at the beginning of your article, before any other text. You can copy the following example and copy the other required parts in the ... area. For name, write the airport's name in English.

{{Infobox airport
| name = Airport name

Native airport name

If your airport's original language is not English, you can add its native name using the nativename attribute. Copy this into your infobox code after the name attribute:

| nativename = Native airport name


If you wish to include an image of your airport, use image. You must upload an image at Special:Upload first.

| image = Image-file.png
| image-width = 150

If you include an image, you must specify the image width. If you want to include a second image, use image2

| image2 =Image-file-2.jpg
| image2-width = 250

Airport codes

Include the IATA and ICAO codes using IATA and ICAO

| IATA = Three-letter IATA code
| ICAO = Four-letter ICAO code

The other codes are optional but recommended for airports in the US (FAA) and Canada (TC).

| TC = TC LID (Canada)
| GPS = GPS code
| WMO = World Meteorological Association code

Airport type

An airport is public or private (or military or another usable category). Recommended.

| type = Public/Private/etc.

Airport creator

Include the createdby and w9thread attributes in your airport infobox. For example:

| createdby = Wings900 username
| w9thread =

Owner and operator

If the owner and operator of the airport are the same, use owner-oper. Recommended.

| owner-oper = The owner-operator of the airport

If the owner and operator are different, use owner and operator.

| owner = Airport owner
| operator = Airport operator

City served and Location

Include the city/cities served by the airport and the actual location of the airport. use city-served and location

| city-served = Area served
| location = Airport location


Include the elevation of your airport above sea level. You must convert between feet and meters yourself and include both due to a glitch in the infobox.

| elevation-f = Elevation in feet
| elevation-m = Elevation in meters

Runway length(s)

List the runway(s) at the airport. Again, you must convert between feet and meters yourself due to a glitch.

| r1-number = The two numbers of a runway (e.g. 1/19, 15L/33R)
| r1-length-f = Runway length in feet
| r1-length-m = Runway length in meters
| r1-surface = Runway surface (concrete, asphalt, etc.)

To add more runways, simply change the r1 to r2

| r2-number = The two numbers of a runway (e.g. 1/19, 15L/33R)
| r2-length-f = Runway length in feet
| r2-length-m = Runway length in meters
| r2-surface = Runway surface (concrete, asphalt, etc.)


List the statistics for your airport in a given year, usually the aircraft operations and passenger movements. You can only use stat1 and only do one statistic if you want to.

| stat-year = Year of your statistics
| stat1-header = Which statistic is listed (e.g. Aircraft operations)
| stat1-data = Number of this statistic (however many aircraft operations there were)
| stat2-header = Title 2 (e.g. Passenger movement)
| stat2-data = Number of this statistics (however many passengers used the airport)

Airport introduction

After the infobox, start the article with a quick summary of your airport.

Begin the article with the airport's name (in English) in bold, written with three apostrophes around the name '''like this'''. Then list the airport codes using {{Airport codes|IATA code|ICAO code}}. You can also add the FAA LID with a third section (like this: {{Airport codes|IATA|ICAO|FAA LID}}). Optionally, include, in parenthesis, the airport's name in the native language and italicize the native name. Then complete the sentence as a quick overview of the airport. For example:
Big City Airport (IATA: BCA, ICAO: BCAP) (English: Big City Airport) is a civil airport location 12 miles west of Big City.

After that, continue with a few more sentences of basic information about your airport


Airlines and Destinations table


Include one of the following categories at the end of your article:

[[Category:Airports in Africa]]
[[Category:Airports in Asia]]
[[Category:Airports in Central America]]
[[Category:Airports in Europe]]
[[Category:Airports in North America]]
[[Category:Airports in Oceania]]
[[Category:Airports in South America]]
[[Category:Airports in the Caribbean]]

This allows it to be categorized in these lists and in the overall airport list. Do not include [[Category:Airports]] in your article.